7 Things to Know about Establishing a HACCP Manufacturing Facility in Thailand

7 Things to Know about Establishing a HACCP Manufacturing Facility in Thailand

7 Things to Know about Establishing a HACCP Manufacturing Facility in Thailand

The HACCP system stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System. Food production employs this system to ensure the quality of food products to end consumers. Also, HACCP helps guarantee the credibility of the product, which comes from the quality production process.  Essentially, it determines that the food is safe for consumers.  Moreover, this recognition is also a certified standard recognized globally. 

Therefore, if you are in the business of manufacturing food and food-related products, you should obtain the HACCP certification, which will help consumers become more confident in your products.  This article administers some necessary information on HACCP standards for food factories. There are seven essential points that you should know about the HACCP food standard.

 1. HACCP used in food factories

7 Things to Know about Establishing a HACCP Manufacturing Facility in Thailand

 HACCP is a production control standard for food manufacturing plants.  This global benchmark covers all food products, whether your products are foodstuffs, frozen foods, ready-made meals, snacks, or dietary supplement products. This standard ensures the cleanliness and suitability of your entire production materials-biological, chemical and physical. It also provides that your food is free from food contamination and harmful elements, which may cause harm to consumers. Aside from the food factories, other food-related industries also adopt this system to confirms that their products (i.e., food processing machines and equipment) are satisfactory for food production.

2. HACCP system prevents 3 types of hazards

 The HACCP system prevents 3 types of hazards, including

 ● Biological hazards that originate from microbial organisms-fungi, bacterias, and viruses. These hazards can cause illnesses and infections.

 ● Chemical hazards come from chemicals. We typically find these contaminated chemicals from the chemicals used in farming and the raw materials. Pesticides,  growth accelerators, preservatives, cleaning agents, and spilled chemicals from machinery are examples of these chemicals in food. This chemical hazards may cause severe harmful reactions to the human body and deteriorate vital systems- the digestive system,  respiratory systems, and brain functions.

 ● Physical hazards, caused by maligned, unwanted objects such as glass fragments, wood chips, and metal shards. This group may cause harm to the internal organs. For example, these contaminants can cause internal bleeding, internal wounds, and contaminations to organs. 

3. HACCP employs a distinct benchmark.

7 Things to Know about Establishing a HACCP Manufacturing Facility in Thailand

The HACCP standard has an exact guideline, which outlines the necessary steps In order to prevent harmful dangers.

1. Hazard analysis: The first step in the HACCP system is to analyze the possible hazards that may occur during the various stages of production.  This crucial step would identify the potential harms that may arise from your output and utilize prevention mechanisms to deter these dangers from happening.

 2. Find the CCP points in your operation: The second step in the process determines the critical control points (CCPs) in your activities by the experts. Within your actions, the expert specialists would identify CCP areas, which are subjected to possible harms, and they will eliminate the causes of these dangers. The experts, who can determine these CCPs, would need to process extensive understandings and experiences of your fields.

3. Set critical values: Once you know where CCP points are in your operation, you must ensure that the CCPs are within your control. The experts would set controls for the factors to ensure your manufacturing process complies with the acceptable standard. The specialists may postulate one or many critical values (CL) in the CCP points. These CL values help ensure that your manufacturing process does not deviate from the acceptable standard. Only specialists with many years of filed experiences can set these Cl values. These values come from various tests and scientific researches, and they have to comply with stringent food standards and regulations.

4. Utilize a systematic process to control critical points. You have to scrutinize these essential areas to ensure your work operations are consistent with the expected standard.

5. Employ corrective measures: When you identify that specific critical points (CL) are not under control or deviate from the acceptable requirements, you have to resolve these problems by using appropriate corrective measures. For example, you may inform relevant superiors for proper remedial measures when the problem occurs in the production process. Or you may have to destroy the products when your products do not reach the required standard.

6. Validate the effectiveness of your HACCP standard:  This step ensures that your HACCP standard is sufficient. This step involves issues of follow-up tests to validate whether your operation complies with the HACCP standard.

7. Manage relevant documents: You must store and file your HACCP documents appropriately. You have to be able to produce related documents to ensure that your operation and factory adhered to the HACCP standard.

4. HACCP in association with other quality-assurance standards

HACCP helps protect against potential hazards in the food industry.  You can adopt the HCAAP standard along with other recognized food standards. For example, you may use the HCAAP along with GMP food standards as well as the Halal manufacturing process.

5. HACCP enhances shelf life

Because the HACCP process helps decimates the microbes responsible for food deterioration, your food products can enjoy longer shelf lives.   Less respiration of food and longer cooking time are HCAAP factors that prolong your products’ shelf lives.    They help control certain microbes, which affects the reactions within the food. Its processes indirectly make the food produced to last longer.

6. Which industries should use the HACCP standard?

7 Things to Know about Establishing a HACCP Manufacturing Facility in Thailand

All food-related industries, including conventional food factories, ready-made meal factories, frozen food, food supplements, and food-related equipment suppliers, should follow the HCAAP standard.  Cosmetic factories can also adopt this HACCP standard, but this article would limit its scope on the food industry.

7. Benefits of a HACCP Factory

 1. This standard helps increase the confidence of consumers. This well-recognized benchmark helps consumers ascertain that your products are free from germs, chemicals, and other harmful substances, and have undergone appropriate manufacturing processes. Customers can consume your products with confidence.

 2. This standard elevates your manufacturing processes and continuously monitors the reliability of your operations.

 3. You can save on damage costs from its standardized procedures.

 4. This standard can indirectly help increase your revenue. The HCAAP attracts a larger pool of customers because when your products are in a different market or have yet been recognized, the buyers can quickly identify with this global standard, and confidently buy your products.

5. This universal recognition helps increase business opportunities- you can export your products to foreign markets.

 7. HCAAP provides an essential pathway for other recognitions, especially ISO 9000. The HCAAP helps prepare your operations for additional quality control measurements.


 In summary, the HACCP standard is hugely beneficial to food manufacturers. This standard allows food factories to produce quality and harmless food consistently.  It also helps establish long-term consumer confidence and affects your product branding positively.  This recognition creates a sustainable sales income for your products and increases the awareness of your products when you export your products.


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