4 Safety Dimensions for Factory and Warehouse Operations

Factory and Warehouse work Safety Thailand

4 Safety Dimensions for Factory and Warehouse Operations

In successful industrial enterprises, there are many factors that entrepreneurs and plant operators need to consider. Safety and work hazard preventions in your factory are vital elements of a successful operation. This article helps factory and warehouse managers become aware of associated risks in your work and offers various ways to mitigate these problems.

There are many aspects related to safety regulations and practices in factories and warehouses. This article would illustrate the four essential safety aspects of your plant operations, and they can reinforce a consistent and systematic method to meet the standard safety requirement.

Factory Safety Standards in 4 areas that Entrepreneurs should Know

1. Thermal safety standards

Heat Level in the factory

The level of heat inside the factory can have a direct impact on the safety standards in factory settings. Generally, you should avoid letting the internal temperature become too high. The acceptable norm for a present working environment is 38 degrees Celcius or less since this is analogous to average body temperature. If your factory exceeds this bearable temperature, management needs to address this issue. Your plant does not currently satisfy the thermal safety requirement.

Tools and measures

Also, your facilities should have tools for temperature measurements since exposure to high heat can pose a severe threat to occupation safety. When some of your manufacturing processes demand exposure to high heat, you should equip your employees with appropriate protection tools and equipment. Besides, it would be beneficial if you have emergency protocols when the employees' body temperatures become too high. You can promptly and safely deal with your staff in the event of emergencies.

Rest when the body temperature exceeds 38 degrees Celsius

You should consistently monitor the body temperature of your staff. When you find your employees' temperature exceeds 38 degrees Celsius, you should request your employees for immediate rests. Employees should not resume work until their temperature returns to normal.

Important notification

In certain manufacturing areas, which have high heat exposure, you should provide warning signs relating to associated risk dangers. For example, you should post warning signs and notifications, such as the heat source, so that your employees can take precautionary steps when they work in the area. It would also be fitting if you have strict protocols when employees work in such areas.

Safety measures

For employees working with temperatures above 45 degrees Celsius, the operations should have stringent work guidelines. To ensure proper safety, the staff should wear high-temperature protective appeals, a suitable helmet, masks, and googles throughout the work period. This specialized clothing can safeguard against high heat.

factory and warehouse work safety thailand

2. Sufficient Lighting for Safety Standards

Another vital element in creating a safe working environment is adequate lighting for your operations. The safety standards stipulate proper illumination of all of your processing areas. To ensure safe and pleasant working conditions, you can follow these basic guidelines for lumination levels.

The standard lighting level for normal operations

For typical manufacturing processes requires standard visual focus, the conventional lighting for your factory and warehouse should have the illumination intensity of at least 50 lux. Grinding, moving, and packing activities are examples of this type of operation.

Lighting for storage areas

The storerooms and warehousing space for your materials and products should also have a lighting level of at least 50 lux. Similarly, areas such as balconies and stairs, are prone to accidents, and they should have a lighting intensity of at least 50 lux.

Work processes that require a small lighting resolution

For work operations that require a little more lighting, the intensity should be greater than 100 lux. Examples of these types are milling, typical manufacturing processes, and simple assembly lines.

Work processes that require a medium lighting resolution

Specific jobs, such as garments, sewing, and sewings, demand higher visual concentration. For these manufacturing processes, the lighting resolution should be at least 200 lux, so that employees can adequately perform their tasks.

Work processes that require a high lighting resolution

Finally, specialized jobs demand a very high intensity of lighting so that employees can smoothly perform their tasks. In these working zones, there should be plenty of light. The lighting intensity in these areas should be more than 300 lux. Examples of these work areas are product testing labs, product inspection areas, machine repairments, and metal pressing works.

Work processes that require an ultra-high lighting resolution

 These specialized works require the most light. Since their work demand an ultra-high level of visual attention, the factories should provide the lighting intensity of more than 1,000 lux. Some examples of this category would include dark color sewing, assembly of minuscule parts, and jewelry works.

Lighting for outdoor areas

For outdoor areas, including walkways, roads, and outdoor storage areas, the natural sunlight is sufficient to carry out the works. For nighttime operations, the outside areas require the lighting intensity of a mere 20 Lux.

3. Noise safety standards

factory and Warehouse work Safety Thailand

Less than 7 hours a day

For the noise aspect in a safe working environment, the primary determinant is the work duration, since prolonged exposure to loud noises can lead to impair the employees' hearing abilities. Typically, suitable working hours should be less than 7 hours per day.

Between 7-8 hours a day

For employees who have to work between 7-8 hours daily, the plant manager needs to check whether the noise level within your premises does not exceed 91 decibels.

Working hours more than 8 hours a day

For employees who have to work more than eight hours continuously daily, the factory owners must ensure your factory's noise level does not exceed 80 decibels.

Noise within the establishment

Another vital element in assessing your noise safety standards within a factory is the overall sound level within the establishment. Following the universal work safety standards, the entire noise level must not exceed 140 decibels. Employees can face severe long-term hearing problems when the noise level exceeds this amount.

4. Safety standards for chemical particles


As a responsible factory operator, you have to ensure that the chemicals and particles within the air is within the general safety standards. Thai law has explicitly defined a proper amount for the factory. If you are uncertain about this issue, you can conveniently consult the environmental engineers or the relevant Ministry of Industry office.


Moreover, the Thai regulation also specifies the length of work duration for employees, so that your factory would not expose your employees to chemical particles over an extension of time. A prolonged period of exposure can adversely affect your employees' heat.

Chemical Density.

If your factory has certain areas with a high level of chemical concentrations, you should consult with the experts. Thai authority also clearly determines the appropriate amount of chemicals. When your factory exceeds the specified amount, your factory can create serious health problems for your employees.

Dust particles

Finally, a vital element affecting your factory and warehouse's air quality is dust particles. Employees can face severe respiratory problems when there is considerable dust in the air. In general, you should ensure that the dust level within your factory and warehouse does not exceed the standard set by law.

This article has illustrated the crucial safety aspects of your factory and warehouse operations. We hope our article can help you apply appropriate safety measures so that you can improve your manufacturing standards as well as create a happy, engaging workplace for your staff.


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