What are the Similarities and Differences Between the GMP and HACCP Standards in a Factory?

What are the Similarities and Differences Between the GMP and HACCP Standards in a Factory?

What are the Similarities and Differences Between the GMP and HACCP Standards in a Factory in Thailand?

Two crucial, global standards for food manufacturers are the GMP and HACCP standards. These two recognitions analogously aim to improve the quality of food factories and help ensures that your products are of high-quality, harmless, and appropriate for consumers. These recognitions guarantee the highest level of safety in your production, and consumers can confidently consume your products.

Moreover, these food standards- both GMP and HACCP- also enhances your brand image because your products convey as safe and reliable.  They also help broaden your markets. With these internationally accepted standards, you can export your goods to foreign countries, and overseas customers can confidently purchase your products.  

You may wonder how these two standards are different since both of them adhere to food safety and reliable manufacturing processes.   This article aims to illustrate the similarities and differences between the GMP and HACCP standards.

What are the similarities between GMP and HACCP standards in a factory?

Understand the GMP standards.

What are the Similarities and Differences Between the GMP and HACCP Standards in a Factory?

In essence, the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standard covers a broad spectrum of your manufacturing process, which must meet its criteria. It would evaluate the suitability of these six critical areas- your factory location,  machines and equipment, production process, sanitation system, maintenance and cleaning routines, and personnel hygiene.  The International Food Standards Agency or CODEX has set forth this food evaluation criterion, with various conditions and regulations, to safeguard the health of consumers. We can generalize these conditions in the following areas.

Areas that GMP controls

  1. Your factory location- It would evaluate whether your manufacturing facility locates in an appropriate environment for food production. For example, high-pollution areas and communities with poor sewage may fail this basis.

 2. Machinery and equipment- They would analyze whether your machines and equipment in the manufacturing process are appropriate and in excellent conditions.

 3. Production process- Your production process plays a critical role in the quality and safety of your products. Therefore, they would examine whether your production process is legitimate and safe for end consumers.

 4. Sanitation-In this area, they would examine how your sanitation areas are located.

 5. Maintenance and cleaning- They expect systematic routinized programs in maintenance and cleaning the machines and tools after you have finished using them in the work process. They would also look at how and where you store these tools.

 6. Personnel and hygiene- You staff have to consistently keep their hygiene of the highest standards at all times throughout the entire production stages.

 Understand HACCP standards.

What are the Similarities and Differences Between the GMP and HACCP Standards in a Factory?

This food standard places its main emphasis on the hazards, which may occur in your manufacturing processes, and actively employ preventive mechanisms to prevent such risks.  Also, it would place the highest emphasis on food contaminations by setting critical values (CL),  which derive from research-based and field-based factors, to assess and control the elements within the manufacturing processes.​​ Under this system, a team of expertise or relevant agency would prescribe manifest, systematic variables to monitor and control your work operations under closed inspections. Under the  HACCP standard, the experts would set and assess these critical CL values to ensure your product’s safety and hygiene.

 Steps in the HACCP standard.

 1. Hazard analysis- The experts would examine the entire manufacturing process.

 2. Find a critical point-The HACCP would locate where your operations are prone to food hazards. Within your activities, the specialists would determine areas, which may cause possible harm to your consumers. They will root out the causes of these dangers. The experts, who can evaluate these CCPs, would process extensive understandings and experiences of your fields.

 3. Set critical values: After identifying the areas that demand particular scrutiny in your operation, the experts would set control factors-the critical values (CL) to ensure that your manufacturing process does not stray from the acceptable standard. These CL values derive from various scientific tests and researches, and they adhere to strict food standards and regulations. Only a team of experts can set these CL values.

 4. Establish a tracking system to control critical points- This process ensures that your manufacturing methods are continuously appropriate for safe, contamination-free food.

 5. Resolve the issues when these vital points are not in the accepted levels. You must carry out corrective actions to eliminate factors that do not meet the prescribed values.

 6. Validate that your control mechanisms are following the HACCP standard- This step verifies that your control mechanisms comply with the HACCP standard. This step also involves a series of follow-up tests to check that your operation consistently meets the HACCP standard.

 7. Organize and file your related documents, so that you can have concrete evidence to confirm that your operations meet the HACCP requirements.

 Similar areas of GMP and HACCP Practices

What are the Similarities and Differences Between the GMP and HACCP Standards in a Factory?

Both practices aim to create safe, harmless products to the consumers, and they utilize systematic, sceicnctic evaluations to assess your manufacturing processes. The certifications come from proven results in your productions.  

Both GMP and HACCP are international standards, which can help customers recognize the reliability and hygiene of your products.  Their recognitions help build consumer confidence and elevate the quality of your factory.  Whether your business is in whole food,  food supplements, food supplies, or raw materials, you can use these two standards to assure the quality of your products.

 What are the differences between GMP and HACCP?

What are the Similarities and Differences Between the GMP and HACCP Standards in a Factory?

The overall objectives of these two standards are the same- both aim to promote and sustain food safety. Also, both seek to enhance consumers’ confidence and guarantee that your factory and manufacturing practices satisfy the appropriate standards. Yet, the key differences are as following:

1. GMP controls a broader range of your manufacturing process than the HACCP.

The  GMP criterion would oversee the holistic picture of your production site.  It would control not only the production process but also other elements, such as the location of the factory, its community, its environment,  the cleanliness of the factory, the condition of the production site, the production process, as well as your staff.

However, the HACCP would place its central importance on the production process. Its focus would aim to prevent and eliminate dangers caused by biological,  chemicals, and physical contaminations. It would analyze and control critical points subjected to these dangers.

 2. GMP covers cleanliness more broadly than HACCP does.

 If you examine the cleanliness aspects of these two standards, you would quickly realize that HACCP places less emphasis on this factor, while GMP has very detailed specific assessments on cleanliness. The HACCP system would specify the cleanliness requirements only for your manufacturing processes, but the GMP would cover the sanitation of your production as well as that of your staff and equipment. For example, GMP would demand your workforce to clean the body, wash hands, and must be in good health before they can commence work.

  3.GMP covers extensive products with distinct criteria.

 The GMP standard consists of  2 primary types- general hygiene (general GMP) and specific GMP. These two standards demand different requirements and have distinct assessment schemes. General GMP covers all kinds of food, but specific GMP has unique regulations on certain products. Typically, you would find specific GMP in diary products.

 HACCP utilizes a universal set of regulations. Food factories, food supplements, and cosmetics would follow the same protocols and evaluation proceedings.

 4.GMP is a legal requirement for food factories.

What are the Similarities and Differences Between the GMP and HACCP Standards in a Factory?

GMP is a legal requirement for food factories.  The government agencies command this requirement so that they can ensure the quality and safety of food products.  If your business is in manufacturing food, food supplements, or cosmetics, the business operators must obtain the GMP certification.

On the other hand, HACCP is more advanced and specific. The factories that receive this certification seeks to enhance the quality of their operations. This standard is not mandatory by law.

 5.GMP is a stepping stone for the more advanced HACCP.

GMP is the necessary quality-controlled certification for food factories.  All food factories need this certification.  It offers basic guiding principles, which help you prepare you for the more advanced HACCP.

This article illustrates the similarities and differences between GMP and HACCP standards. These global standards ascertain the quality of your products, and customers can purchase your products with confidence. Whether your business operates in food, food supplements, or cosmetics, these two recognitions help you improve your operations and broaden your customer spheres.


If you are interested in renting a high-quality factory in Thailand, please feel free to contact us anytime. Our properties are ideal for food production and can readily meet GMP standards. They have complete functions, and they are in excellent locations. Plus, we support our customers with free repair services throughout the leases as well as a full range of customer support services. Our projects have high-security systems with 24-hour security guards, and CCTVs.

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